
table controls for server rendered tables

View the Project on GitHub 50onRed/pjax-table

Base Markup

Data Attribute Configuration

JS Options


Row Selection


Base Markup

The app server needs to define correct markup and data attributes to enable features of pjax tables. Some are required, others optional. See fifty-tables for a python flask implementation that works with pjax-table.

Example of standard table markup with data attributes:

  <div data-pjax-table data-auto-init="true">
    <table data-total-rows="{{ total_rows }}" 
           data-current-sort-property="{{ current_sort_property }}"
           data-current-sort-direction="{{ current_sort_direction }}"
           data-current-page="{{ current_page }}"
           data-current-perpage="{{ current_perpage }}">
          <th data-sortable="true"
              data-property="{{ property }}"
              data-current-sort-direction="{{ sort_direction }}">
            {{ header_value }}
          <!-- ... -->
          <td data-property="{{ property }}"
              data-value="{{ value }}">
            {{ value }}
          <!-- ... -->


container data attributes

data-attribute type default description
data-pjax-table boolean true the default selector for initializing tables (only used for init)
data-auto-init boolean false a flag (only used for init)
data-url string window.location.pathname the url to be used for fetching table markup
data-paginated boolean true a flag to enable/disable pagination controls
data-ajax-only boolean false a flag to use ajax instead of pjax
data-push-state boolean true a flag to pass as the pushState option to pjax
data-pjax-container string element.id the container to be used for loading pjax, defaults to the initializing element's id
data-search-id string the id selector of a search box to be used
data-sort-query-key string order the string key to be used in building the search query
data-page-query-key string page the string key to be used in building the page query
data-perpage-query-key string perpage the string key to be used in building the perpage query
data-search-query-key string q the string key to be used in building the search query

table data attributes

data-attribute type default options description
data-total-rows number 0 the total number of rows returned by the server
data-total-rows number 0 the total number of rows returned by the server
data-current-sort-property string the current sort property name
data-current-sort-direction string desc asc or desc the current sort property direction (asc/desc)
data-current-page number 1 the current page index
data-current-perpage number 10 the current number of records to display per page

th data attributes

data-attribute type default options description
data-sortable boolean true whether or not this column is sortable
data-property string the property name to be used in the sort query
data-current-sort-direction string asc or desc the current sort direction of this column
data-default-sort-direction string asc or desc the default sort direction of this column

td data attributes

data-attribute type default description
data-property string the property name for this cell
data-value string or number the value for this cell

JS options

JS options override data attributes or the defaults.

key type default description
url string data-url or window.location.href see data-url option
ajaxOnly boolean data-ajax-only or false see data-ajax-only option
pushState boolean data-push-state or true see data-push-state option
paginated boolean data-paginated or true see data-paginated option
pjaxContainer string data-pjax-container or element.id see data-pjax-container option
noDataTemplate function see source a function returning the default template to use for no data returned
sortQueryKey string order the query string key for sorting
pageQueryKey string page the query string key for page
perPageQueryKey string perpage the query string key for perpage
searchQueryKey string q the query string key for search
refreshEvents Array<object> [{ eventName: 'click', filter: '.my-class-selector' }] an array of objects that define an event listener and selector to trigger table refresh
plugins Array<object> [{ target: '[data-plugin-element-selector]', constructorName: 'myPlugin'}] an array of objects that define a plugin. A target selector and a valid jquery plugin constructor name must be included. Plugins are constructed and initialized on click. The constructor will receive the corresponding row record and the table's current query state.
queryState <object> { start_date: '2015-06-04', end_date: '2015-06-04' } an object to extend the initial query state with


pagination container data attributes

data-attribute type default description
data-current-page number defined by pagination markup the current page
data-current-perpage number defined by pagination markup the current perpage

pagination perpage data attributes

data-attribute type default description
data-value number the number value of records per page

pagination page data attributes

data-attribute type default description
data-value number the number value of the page

required pagination classes

class required children description
ui-pagination n/a the pagination container with data-current-page and data-current-perpage
ui-perpage-dropdown li with data-value the list element of perpage options
ui-page-select-dropdown li with data-value the list element of page options
ui-prev-page n/a the prev page button
ui-next-page n/a the next page button

Example pagination markup

*The example below uses BS3 classes and markup, but only the classes and structure listed above are required. A base set of styles to make these functional without BS3 may soon be applied. Ideas are welcome.*

  <div class="pjax-table-pagination ui-pagination" 
       data-current-page="{{ current_page }}" 
       data-current-perpage="{{ per_page }}">

    <!-- per page controls -->
    <div class="pull-left btn-toolbar">
      <div class="dropdown btn-group" data-per-page="{{ perpage }}">
        <button data-toggle="dropdown" class="btn btn-default btn-sm dropdown-toggle">
          <span class="dropdown-label">Per Page {{ per_page }}</span>
          <span class="fa fa-angle-down"></span>
        <ul class="dropdown-menu open-up ui-perpage-dropdown">
          <li data-value="10"><a>10</a></li>
          <li data-value="20"><a>20</a></li>
          <li data-value="50"><a>50</a></li>
          <li data-value="100"><a>100</a></li>
      <div class="btn-group btn-sm btn-link">From {{ from }} to {{ to }} of {{ total }}</div>

    <!-- page, next page, prev page controls -->
    <div class="pull-right btn-toolbar">
      {{#if on_last_page }}
        <div class="btn-group">
          <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm ui-prev-page" {{#if on_first_page }}disabled{{/if}}>
            <i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i>

        <div class="btn-group">
          <div class="dropdown ui-page-index-dropdown" data-current-page="{{ current_page }}">
            <button class="btn btn-default btn-sm dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
              <span class="dropdown-label">Page {{ current_page }}</span>
              <i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i>
            <ul class="dropdown-menu open-up ui-page-select-dropdown">
              {{ page_items }}

        <div class="btn-group">
          <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm ui-next-page" {{#if on_last_page }}disabled{{/if}}>
            <i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i>
        <div class="btn-group btn-sm btn-link">Page {{ current_page }} of {{ last_page }}</div>

Row Selection

To enable row selection, which includes select/deselect all, you can specify a table header cell and a column of table cells with `data-property="id"`. These cells also need to contain a checkbox for managing selection state.

Example table header and body cells which enable row selection:

  <!-- in thead > tr -->
  <th data-select-all-enabled="true" data-property="id">
    <input type="checkbox">

  <!-- in tbody > tr -->
  <th data-property="id" data-value="1">
    <input type="checkbox">


Most named events are triggered from the container element, with the exception of any plugins which fire events. The search implementation also fires it's own events which are wrapped by the table.

name type arguments trigger
table:load any time the table has finished loaded, on pjax success for initial load, update, and refresh
table:sort object sortQuery when a column is sorted, includes direction and property
table:page object pageQuery when a specific page has been chosen to jump to
table:perpage object perPageQuery when perpage dropdown selection has changed
table:nextpage object nextPageQuery when next page in pagination clicked
table:prevpage object prevPageQuery when prev page in pagination clicked
table:search object searchQuery when a search query is used to filter the table
table:search:clear when a search query is cleared
table:select object record when a row is selected, passing the record object
table:deselect object record when a row is deselected, passing the record object
table:select:all when all records are selected
table:deselect:all when all records are deselected
table:error when a pjax / ajax error occurs
table:timeout when pjax times out